Once you Program the water, the vibration will last for 28 days.
- Purchase your Essence from your Practitioner or the Emerald Heart Light website.
(The vibration is activated in the app as soon as the exchange is made).
- Label your bottle with the name of the Essence vibration that you require.
There are 2 choices in how to place your bottle during the transmission:
a) Hold the bottle over your heart
b) Write the name of the Essence on a piece of paper and place your labelled bottle on the name of the Essence
Open your Emerald Heart Light App.
Select the Range and Essence you require.
Select Your Practitioner.
(Your other details will automatically fill-in when you have used the App the first time.)
Scroll down the page to the Transmission Box.
Sit quietly for 30 seconds DURING Transmission in reverence and respect to the Light.
The vibration will pass from the Source, through your heart and into the bottle.
– Your Essence is now ready to use. You can discard the paper if you used method ‘b’.
– The vibration will be in your bottle now for 28 days, which is a full cycle of the moon.
You can program your bottle with up to three different essence vibrations at the same time. You cannot add additional vibrations to your bottle later, after the first day.
Take your essence(s) three times a day by adding a teaspoon of your bottle to a little water:
What to do with your Water Bottle once the Vibration has expired
After 28 days your vibration will have expired in the bottle. At this point you can return the water to Mother Earth as a blessing.
Tip – If it helps you can screenshot or print this page.