Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Accessing the Place of Deep Inner Trust
Location: Given from the Source
Time: 3rd April 2015
Detail: The place of Extreme Acceptance within, helps us to let go of all resistance to change and to accept that we are on a great inner journey to a place called Nirvana.
Sometimes the world and everything in it seems to be in chaos and turmoil. Particularly so our own small inner world.
There has to be turmoil resulting in chaos from time to time in order to bring change. From the perspective of the Universe, it needs to keep things moving and evolving, but humans have a tendency not to move and change, but to stand still, holding on to patterns that they know, rather than risk something new that they don’t know. Safety and security through none change is how the sub-conscious likes to live life.
Humans are home makers. They make safe places for themselves. Safe places to live. Safe places for their emotions and safe places for their minds and mental processes. Safe places where no conflict can touch them. All this need for safety is born of fear and if there is one thing that the Universe does not wish you to feel, it is fear.
However, fear is one of the most easily aroused emotions in the human psyche because at the very core of our consciousness is the Well of Fears, a place so deep within your core that it is difficult to touch, but with practice and the knowledge of how to ‘see’ and the right tools to illuminate this deep, inner place, it is possible for anyone who wishes to train to be able to witness this profoundly sacred place, where all unresolved issues of any lifetime can be observed.
Uncertainty is another place that humans do not like to inhabit as safety comes from certainty, but again, the Universe does not function on certainty. It functions on the powerful energies of love, which move mountains, burst rivers and turn things inside out and upside down to help us to find truth. When we find truth, we also find love, as they are one and the same thing.
When we face changes, both externally in the world and internally through whatever situation might disturb our emotions we have to find a place in our hearts called, Total Trust.
Extreme Acceptance of everything that is, helps to connect us into that place of inner trust, helping us to let go of the struggle and go with the flow of change, knowing that we are being guided even though we might doubt it. The Universe changes things at the speed it needs to, rather than the speed we wish it would happen.
The place of Extreme Acceptance within, helps us to let go of all resistance to change and to accept that we are on a great inner journey to a place called Nirvana. Accept without struggle whatever is coming towards you at this time and try to see the great lesson in it all that the Universe lays at your feet.
With Love and Blessings.
David Ashworth.