Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Dark Matter and the Mind of God
Location: Newport, North Pembrokeshire.
Weather: Sunny, with scattered clouds and the odd rain drop.
Time: 12.30p.m. Sunday, 27th August, 2000.
Detail: The energy signature was obtained from the top of one of the upright stones, beneath the capstone.
Understanding the Nature of Things: This essence is about extremes, from the little understood concepts such as Dark Matter and Black Holes to the opposite extreme, which is the Mind of God. This essence addresses everything in creation between those two places, whether within or without the physical universe. It plants the seed into human consciousness that all matter in physical creation is no more than a single, loving thought in the Mind of God.
The essence transmits a golden light, which is the essence of Universal or God-consciousness. This stimulates the mind into grasping some of the higher concepts and realities. This will ultimately help you to find your place in the grand scheme of things within the universe; finding your place on the Spiritual Path. This golden light directly stimulates energies within the crown chakra, opening you to spiritual dimensions, allowing higher and deeper information to come into your being and be understood and connected with at a deeper level.
The essence helps unfold channelling abilities. It connects the crown to the throat chakra and allows higher consciousness or spirit guidance to be received and directly voiced into the physical world. It also connects with the heart chakra so that the wisdom received can be communicated with feeling from the heart and not merely with intellect from the mind.
At an emotional level, this essence attunes you to your own soul through the connection with the heart chakra and emotional body. A loving calmness pervades the being, allowing a stillness to enter, which helps attune you to Spirit Guides.
Specialised Use: To unfold connections take three drops directly into the back of the throat and attune to the energy as it effervesces upwards into the crown chakra and downwards into the heart chakra, linking the three chakras together in a harmonious vibration (heart, throat and crown).
This action is akin to holding God’s hand. This is guidance linking you to all those souls who wish to guide you. This is a connection to the loving forces of God and his workers who wish to show you the pathways by which you can achieve evolution in this lifetime.
With love and blessings,
David Ashworth.