Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: A Blessing from Heaven
Location: Given from The Source.
Time: March 2016
In more than 30 years that I have been working as a healer or spiritual teacher, I have been able to feel all aspects of energy and light.
When the Darshan Light was birthed though me, all that changed. It was impossible to understand this Light. There was no feeling with it, yet you can feel the results. I had to rely totally on the feedback from those who had received a Darshan Blessing from me to gain any understanding of it.
The Light of Source
When your vibration rises and you are taken into the next level of your own evolutionary journey, all things change, naturally. Soon, you are working at a higher level and doing things differently. When I was brought into the Light of Darshan, however, it was somehow a giant leap into something that it was Impossible to quantify. I just had to trust it, which of course is how you get anywhere at all on the spiritual path.
It is like the Light isn’t there at all, yet it manifests wherever I want it to manifest. It sometimes even manifests whilst I am only thinking about how to help someone approach an issue. It is like the Universal Consciousness just says to me, ‘Tell us where you want the Light to manifest, David,’ and it is done.
Of course, I still have to enter into the appropriate process of Reverence and Respect.
Using the Darshan Essence
When you take this essence, it is like receiving a Blessing from Heaven. The Light comes directly from The Source. It knows exactly where you need help and it brings light into that area of your consciousness.
If you take a few drops of Darshan Essence each day, the essence has a gentle but cumulative effect, continuing to bless and open your heart. It helps you to find the deeper truth of who you are and why you are here. It helps with purification of the consciousness and assists in the healing of many past-life events, whilst opening opportunities for you to grow and prosper in this life time.
My Essences
I was working with essences before I created my own. They have such an amazing ability to bring light and energy into our lives. Since 1999, I have created more than 130 high vibrational essences, which are really bottles of liquid light. Each one has played a part in bringing me to this exalted place of open heartedness and compassion. The journey has offered me a deep understanding for the work that lies ahead for mankind in order for it develop its potential as a species.
I am sure that this Darshan Essence will help you in many ways.
With Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.