Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Divine Liquid Light
Location: Given from the Source
The Emerald Heart Essence is a bottle of Divine Liquid Light. Its consciousness seeks to help you open and expand the consciousness within the heart, either yours or that of anyone you may be trying to help.
Reverence and Respect
As a pure, essence without a particular energy signature, you can ask the Emerald Heart Essence to help you. Just use pure Reverence and Respect from your heart to ask for the assistance you many need, whilst knowing that the core of your heart is occupied with the Divine Light of your own being, which will be trying its very best to be heard by you, as it speaks through your emotions and feelings to help you in your life and work.
Programming Your Essence
Programming an essence simply means to ask it to do something. Speak to the essence as if it were a person. Command it even. Be clear and precise. Think about your words and then make your statement to the essence from your heart. You can even write down the words of what you wish to say and stand the bottle on the words, proclaiming to the essence that these words are what you desire help with.
The Divine Light at the core of your being, desires the following:
- Your absolute success in this life.
- Your absolute happiness in this life.
- Your absolute joy at being in this life.
Through your Absolute and Impeccable Intent to bring change to your life (or anyone you may be working with), the Essence of Emerald Heart Light will work its hardest to illuminate that which needs to change, in a way that you may see and perceive it yourself. If you Program the Essence with a Target, naming an Issue or Fear that you wish to dissolve, then it will work its hardest to help you overcome those limitations.
It is important to understand that this is a two-way process. The Light is here for you to use; it will be illuminating and dissolving the issues that you choose to Target, but you must play an important part yourself.
- You must Face the Absolute Truth of what you wish to change.
- You must have Impeccable Intent in the way you apply yourself to the task.
- You must have Total Trust in the Process.
If you can do this, then you will trigger the Universal Laws that enable the Essence to work in the most powerful way for you.
If you are not asking the Universe to help you to change from a place of Truth within your heart, then how can the Light work with you? It cannot, because it can only work with the Truth.
This Emerald Heart Essence is the Light of Truth. It illuminates Truth and it desires to reflect only your Truth into your Life. Therefore, when you are truly ready for change, seek out The Emerald Heart Light Essence.
- Program it for your own Target Issue.
- Take three drops of essence three times a day in a drop of water.
- Once in the morning when you get up.
- Once around the middle of the day.
- Once at night when you go to bed.
Finally, keep some notes to help you to reflect on the changes you feel within.
You will be amazed at the transformational qualities that such a simple process can bring.
With Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.