Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Growing the Peace in your Heart
Location: Given from the Source.
Time: 1st January 2013.
Detail: An essence from the heart of the Universe delivered through the heart of David.
As we passed through the end of the Mayan Calendar on the 21st December 2012, there seemed to be a silence in the Universe. However, what was really happening was an acceleration so fast, that it was almost impossible to feel it. By the time we reached the 3rd of January, the new energies were making themselves known and felt more clearly. A new Era was born.
As always, when the Universe accelerates, something deeper happens. At this time, a kind of Inner Peace is discernible and it comes from deep within the Universe. It is like the Universe is still pulling at our consciousness, as fast as it ever was, but at the same time, there is a sense of Peace within the pulling process.
As the Universe pulls at our Hearts, the Inner Peace is being revealed from within us. It is the Peace at the centre of all that is, which is being accessed through the hearts of humanity. So, the Universe is pulling at our hearts and revealing our own Inner Peace. Our Heart Peace.
Even though this Essence has been birthed as we enter the new era, it can be used at any time to open and accentuate the Inner Peace of the Heart, connecting you deeper into yourselves, and in that process, connecting you deeper into the process of Creation, which is Universal Consciousness.
As you take this Essence, the Heart Peace opens up into your life, spilling its love into you. It brings vision and relaxation, an ability to let go and detach from all manner of obstacles, that you may be carrying with you, unknowingly. It opens you to be able to see the core of who you are. It allows you to see what needs to change deep within you.
This Essence smooths the way for transformation as the heart opens, bringing clarity and helping you to see your path more clearly, whilst feeling your truth more deeply. It is a simple Essence, full of Simplicity, full of Love and full of Peace.
Allow your heart to open to the simple Inner Peace that you carry at the core of your being. This element of Peace, is also the Peace at the very centre of the Universe, the Peace that we all seek on an inner level. You are connected to the core of the Universe. You are the core of the Universe and the Heart Peace at the heart of the Universe is you. Therefore, as you take this Essence, the Heart of the Universe opens within you and the Light of forever shines through you.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
With Love and Blessings.
David Ashworth.