Details: Given through my Heart
Time: 12:07pm 23rd November 2022
Keynote: Letting go of Pain and Grief in the Heart
The pain and grief of Lost Love can haunt the heart for lifetime after lifetime.
We can lose love for many kinds of reasons, especially when someone close to us dies. Deep within our heart, we know that they are not gone forever and that at some point we will re-unite with their spirit. Yet, in our present human form, where we are separated from our higher spiritual reality, we can feel the pain of loss incredibly deeply. This pain can cause intense grief in the heart, to the point where the heart is full of tears.
During our present life, we might also lose someone we love dearly because they move on and leave us, or we may even just lose touch with a dearly loved friend and can’t find them again. There are so many reasons we may experience the loss of another person, pet or even a thing.
The Loss of Love Leaves a Hole in our Heart
At a certain level, we can unknowingly attach ourselves to the love of another person or thing. This is a sub-conscious process and happens in accordance with a deep desire to feel safe and secure or feel pleasurable emotions and especially feel supported by love. The deeper psyche looks for energies that make it feel safe, secure or good. In particular, it looks for the feelings of being nurtured by love.
As human beings, we are always seeking love at some level. The ultimate level, is of course, seeking the love of God. Our hearts seek to experience the state of being complete. Our hearts seek the source of all Love and Light, as that is our true nature when we are not living a human life in a state of separation from the whole. Whilst we are seeking to harmonise ourselves with this ultimate source of Love and Light, we may yet need to succour ourselves with love from other sources, usually the love of another person, a pet, or even a job or an item, such as a garden or a car.
Love Seeks Love and Love Flows towards Love
As the heart opens and bonds with another heart, there is an incredible flow of spiritual light between the two. This Light is the Love at the core of all things. It flows from the Source of our Universe into and through our hearts, connecting us with the love in other people, animals or things that we resonate with. Love seeks love and also flows to love.
Love is like a Magnetic Force
When the power of Love is very strong within you, it will attract love towards you, both human love and things that you love. That is how the Law of Attraction works, through love. The love that you have for someone or something in your heart will attract the love within that person or thing. They or it will be drawn towards your love. It cannot fail to happen.
When the connection to someone or something you love is broken, suddenly you are not fed and nurtured any longer by their love. Your heart breaks. It can even feel like it is totally smashed. That loss may be an irretrievable situation because the source of love is gone, such as when a person dies, or the object is lost. The pain of this loss can be devastating. Energetically, you will feel like a part of your heart is missing and the result is a state of very deep grief for the lost love.
The Grief of Lost Love
Life carries on, and for the most part we might not be able to resolve the loss within ourselves for many years, or even in the present lifetime. The result is that the pain created by Lost Love continues to ravage our human emotions leading to the most devastating grief at the deepest of levels within our heart. If it is not possible to resolve the pain or grief in the present lifetime, we can carry it through to subsequent lifetimes until we encounter a situation where we can heal it.
When our heart experiences Lost Love, it may heal to a certain degree. The wound may cover over, but the pain and grief remains until something triggers it to rise to the surface again. Once the pain or grief arises, we have the opportunity to go deep inside ourselves and begin a healing process. The trigger that raises this old pain and grief can be anything at all but is often a similar situation that created the pain in the beginning, which of course is losing someone or something you love.
Softening the Resistance
Strange as it may seem, we can actually hold on to the pain and grief. We do this to remind ourselves that we are searching to be whole again. Our heart is seeking that which made it whole in the first place before the loss. This Essence vibration of Lost Love softens the resistance to letting go of the pain.
If the pain has been buried in our heart from previous lives, we might not even know it is there consciously, yet at some level, we still seek to fill the hole where the pain or grief lies. The deep inner pain can actually provide us with a certain level of comfort because it is something we know. We can actually fear losing the pain and grief at some level because it has become such a powerful part of us.
Two-fold Dichotomy
The heart may close parts of itself so that it can’t feel the pain or grief. It also remains in this state to protect itself against being hurt again in the future. To protect our vulnerability and sensitivity, the heart will remain partially closed until someone comes along with a level of love, compassion and understanding of who we are that is so deep that the heart feels safe enough to begin to open and share its deeper self once again. This is a slow process though. The heart must feel totally safe or it won’t open to allow healing to take place.
The Difficulty of allowing your Heart to open again
When we experience such devastating pain and grief from lost love, we will always tread very carefully in our relationships. There will always be some fear of opening our heart. Our partner will, of course, feel this at some level and this may cause difficulties at times. Our partner may accuse us of not opening our hearts fully to them. This, of course, is a huge threat to the sensitive nature of the damaged heart. The result can be that it fears opening even more. If the owner of this broken heart is pressured or challenged by the partner as to the perceived lack of heart connection, this will only reinforce the heart to remain closed.
Healing is a one step at a time process of opening a little and feeling if it is safe. Trusting a little and feeling if it is safe in the hands of your partner.
In a relationship that is troubled or threatening in any way whatsoever, the heart will not open for fear of feeling the pain and grief that is already within. If the heart is uncertain at any level of its safety and security, it will not open. The power with which it remains partially closed to protect itself can be monumental to overcome.
If your love partner ever creates a situation where there is the possibility that the relationship will end, this reinforces the Fear of Pain and Grief. This then increases the power with which the old pain and grief continues to hold on to protect the vulnerability of the heart. The result is that the heart dare not open fully to the partner.
The Deepest Pain in the World
The pain of Lost Love is perhaps the deepest pain that we can ever experience because it is a pain that takes away a part of our most sensitive aspect of consciousness, our heart. The heart is the most powerful aspect of our lives but also the most vulnerable. It is governed by three elements. The first is fear, the second is courage and the third is truth. These three elements are constantly processed in the heart.
When we truly feel the nature of our courage, we may be able to overcome the fear of pain and open ourselves a little. Given time, we may then trust this level of opening and then open a little more. In this way, we eventually fully heal, and this can be done in a single lifetime if we are lucky enough to find the right partner who is truly and deeply compassionate, one who tries to understand our deepest wounding.
Entering the life of a human being is a process of evolution of consciousness. We have no choice other than to heal and evolve. It is just a question of finding ourselves in a place where we feel safe enough to let go of the pain of the past and become whole again.
If our vibration is to rise and we are to truly move on and carry less baggage from the past, then we need to let go of the things that trouble us. If this Essence Vibration of Lost Love has come up for you today, then trust that it is trying to help you dissolve or let go of a very deep and disturbing pain that manifests as grief in the heart. One drop at a time, it will help you to dissolve this old pain and find the courage to open yourself a little further.
With Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.