Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Consolidation and Focus
Location: Given from The Source.
Time: 5th October 2015
Detail: An Essence whose origin is beyond Time and Space.
Changing for the Better
The essence of No Reverse, provides a kind of ‘consolidation point.’ It offers you a place in time and space from which you do not wish to go back beyond. It is like putting up the wall of a castle behind you on your journey to remind you that it is not wise to go back the way you came. Continue forwards into the changed person that you wish to become.
The essence helps you to focus dead ahead and stay right on track, assisting you to overcome any difficulties that otherwise would undermine your efforts to change. For those who are not versed in the challenges of deep inner transformation, you would be very surprised how different aspects of your consciousness can actually create illusion and delusion in order to trick you into giving it what it desires.
No Reverse helps you to see the truth of what is happening within you and in that truth, you are more fully informed in how to remain on track and not slip backwards.
How I was Given the Essence of No Reverse
This essence was given in a dream in the early hours of the morning of 5th October 2015, when I was going through a deep process of inner change at a fundamental level. I was fighting a powerful aspect of dark consciousness that had been with me for probably a number of lifetimes.
On the spiritual path you will face your inner demons from time to time and each layer you strip away will reveal to you, at some point in the future, the next aspect of limiting consciousness that diverts your attention.
Your actions, responses and re-actions of life drive your personality in a way that feeds either the light or the dark aspects of your consciousness. Over time, if you care to take the time to look at yourself, you learn to feel the truth of whether an aspect of your actions and desires is driven by inner darkness or inner light.
As you learn to bring the darker aspects into your waking consciousness and begin to examine them, they can become more difficult to deal with as those aspects of consciousness realise they have been discovered. Upon discovery, the conscious pattern will begin to act more strongly, even to the point of creating illusions and delusions within you. It will work hard to trick you into acting in any way that will feed it what it desires.
The dark aspects of consciousness are always destructive to life. Sometimes they are passive and sometimes active. The passive ones tend just to send out the same old signal. A classic passive entity will radiate an energy that brings you down, like repeating, ‘your not good enough,’ for example. An active entity is like a living being inside you trying to live its own life and needs feeding. The feeding usually manifests as a desire to feel certain emotional stimulation. This type of entity is very common in humans and why there are a lot of people who have addictions to food, alcohol, sex, gambling, drugs, etc. It will choose to feed from the most powerful emotional energy that it can find within you, hence why some of these addictions are so hard to break.
It is most often the dark energy that drives your need to feed on things you are trying to give up. You become a victim to some degree. The human part of you also falls into the addiction of the repeating pattern of activity. In addition, there can also be a comforting addiction to a pattern, such as through smoking, when you then don’t know what to do with your hands when you stop. Or the camaraderie of sharing a cigarette with someone else. Humans tend to live by a series of repeating patterns. Learning to observe these and constantly break them allows you to move forwards.
If you starve an entity or dark aspect of consciousness of what it desires, then it will actually create a situation that more or less forces you into the behaviour that you are trying to avoid.
In my situation at the time this essence was given, I was trying to beat a Sugar Entity. I had been eating sugary sweets my whole life and for the previous three months, I had taken most sugary things out of my diet, but over the previous week a couple of things had crept back in. On the day in question, I was suffering a deep depression. Depression is caused by inner darkness as it floods either the heart or crown chakra. If you know how this process works, you can usually move the energy very quickly.
I was enjoying a lovely late summer day, beautiful sunshine and I was out on a drive with friends, but the depression got worse and worse, until eventually I ate two chocolate biscuit bars to release brain endorphins that might lift me out of the depression. This sugar intake seriously unbalanced my digestive system for the rest of the day. What I didn’t realise until after the dream and then figuring things out the following morning as I was making this new essence, was that the entity had searched my system for any darkness that it could find and then flooded my heart with it, creating the depression. I had actually been fooled by my dark emotional state into feeding the entity the sugar it desired. After three months hard work in banishing sugar from my system, the entity had become desperate to feed and tricked me.
Fortunately, my Higher Self came to the rescue and offered me this essence of ‘No Reverse,’ helping me to combat the sugar entity.
With Love and Blessings.
Dave Ashworth.