Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: The Emergence of Light Within
Location: Given from The Source.
Time: 18th May 2012
Detail: An Essence from the Heart of the Universe delivered through the heart of David.
The God-consciousness is not unknowable, but you cannot describe the intensity of the Light. The only way to know this Light is through the heart and even then it is an experience that you cannot explain to anyone who has not experienced it themselves. There are no words to describe it. The mere breath of a feather’s touch from the source will burst open your heart. Your tears will flow and in that touch, it renders you incapable of speaking of it.
The Birthing of Light Within
The words that were given when this essence was born were:
The Prince of Light is Coming
What does that mean to us?
How will this Light come?
When will it come?
It is already here and many of us have already experienced it. For example, in the teachings of Jesus in The Gospel of Thomas, The Prince of Light says,
I will give you what no eye has seen,
And what no ear has heard,
and what no hand has touched,
and what has not arisen in the heart of man.
What he refers to are the secrets within the heart that only those who have transcended the mundane world and developed inner vision and perception to a point, can perceive.
The first thing we are given is the expansion and illumination of the seed of Light within, what we might term the Christ Light. This expansion begins the process that leads to us awakening and questioning, not only life, but everything. It leads us to seeking truth.
The second thing he gives us is our original darkness or the unresolved issues and learning experiences that we still have to master. These things are often reflected to us through the lives of others.
The third thing we are given is our hidden truth, the things we hide from others through the guilt and shame of things we have done in our life.
Then there are our fears, the energies that limit us most from becoming our potential.
As the Light emerges from the seed at the core of your being, it begins to grow in intensity and to some degree, mass, also. The intensity and mass of the Inner Light expands and in the process of this expansion it pushes the unresolved issues and fears upwards into your awareness and life. As they rise, you begin to feel and experience them as they try to pass through your consciousness on their way to be expelled from your being as a part of your inner cleansing. As you experience this expansion of Light at the core of your being, you have no choice other than to respond by changing your life.
The Prince of Light is Coming
This is a reference to the way the Universe pulls at the Seed of Light at the core of your being and assisting it to awaken and emerge within you. It is the Greater God-consciousness of all that is. The Source, which illuminates the Universe and everything in existence. The Greater Light pulls at the lesser (or little) Light, the seed of God-consciousness within the core of your heart. The Greater tries to pull the lesser into its own state of magnificence. Another way of putting this would be to say that God the Father of all that is, is constantly calling to the Light of his Son who dwells within the hearts of all beings, pulling him to expand within you.
Therefore, what of this Essence, Prince of Light?
Is it here to assist the emergence of the Light within or is it to help ease the process for us? Well, it is a little of both. The Light is emerging anyway because the Universe is pulling at it through the acceleration and expansion that is taking place. As the light emerges within you, then you experience awakening. There is nothing that can prevent this process from happening, it is natural and we call it evolution of consciousness. The essence of Prince of Light will assist you in a number of ways.
Firstly, it is a powerful ally in assisting the dissolution of the fears that will rise naturally as the light awakens within you. The darkness of the fear energy is the only thing that prevents you attaining full realisation. The fears are the barrier between you and becoming the God within you. As the Universe increases its pull at this time, bringing up more issues and fears, the essence of Prince of Light will help them to both dissolve as they rise, and in that process, ease their passing and elimination from your life, making your deeper, inner transformation smoother, quicker and more complete.
Secondly, the essence contains The Prince of Light. It is the Prince of Light that gave the essence to us. It contains the Light, which is the Light at the core of your own heart. It is the purest, most unadulterated Light there can be, and each drop that you take will stimulate the reflection of itself in the core of your heart.
Allow the Light to awaken within you.
Allow yourself to grow and expand.
Allow yourself to cleanse internally.
Allow your feelings to feel the truth of what comes in this bottle of magic and Light. Show it reverence and respect and it will reflect its truth to you.
Finally, the whole of humanity is journeying together towards the same goal. The hearts of some of us have already been stimulated to seek the truth of all that is; to seek the truth within ourselves and to acknowledge that we are all, indeed, part of the same organism, each of us just a cell in some giant game of eternal life, growing, changing and transforming. Others are yet to awaken and be called to this journey. But none will be left behind because we all hold the spark of the Divine within each atom that we are made up of.
At the moment that God birthed his bride, the Goddess Universe, his Light was infused into everything that is, and God never loses sight of a single atom of himself as it lives within her. In turn and in Divine order, each atom will return home and re-merge into Unity with the one supreme deity that began this whole Great Cycle of Time, when light and matter first kissed.
We will all meet again, it is inevitable.
With my Deepest Love and Blessings.
David Ashworth.