Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Letting Go and Trusting
Location: Given through Guidance and Spiritual Transmission
Time: 17th August 2010
Detail: A 5th Dimensional Essence, whose origin is beyond Time and Space.
Step Aside Demon, I am coming through
This essence is specifically focussed upon increasing the Light within your heart, helping you to move through a conscious shift, where the consciousness is holding on rigidly to an old vibrational pattern.
Particularly rigid patterns tend to form through a series of previous lives. Each lifetime you pass through where the issue is unresolved intensifies the energy in the pattern. In turn this holds your vibration, and thus your life, in a state of captivity, unable to progress.
You become a prisoner of your own vibration.
This state of captivity can be so real that it becomes impossible to ‘see or perceive’ the illusion of it. Your life forms itself into a rigid truth that becomes almost impossible to go beyond. It is as if the aspect of consciousness takes on a life-force of its own that is so powerful it holds you in a place of Fear of Change.
This essence presents itself like a very threatening weapon, such as the sword a courageous Knight might use when defending his Lordship’s person. The fearless Knight leads the way, forcing open the rigid doors before him and facing all enemies within. With his Sword of Light in hand, he commands them with an inner strength and authority to ‘Step Aside.’
Sword of Light
The essence is like a Sword of Light which illuminates your heart. Your heart is filled with courage and marches forward, commanding all resistance to change to ‘Step Aside.’ It brings illumination to your conscious awareness, helping you to see and make the changes that are needed.
The Sword of Light is wielded by your Higher Self, which is the Light at the centre of your heart. It will focus upon any form of intense energy that is rigidly preventing an overdue shift in your conscious vibration.
Within this essence is a Tonic and a Token.
The Tonic lifts your heart into a sense of safety.
A Token is a gift passed from one to another. In this instance, the Token is a deeply held desire in human consciousness to end all suffering. The Token is offered in love through your heart for all those who need to experience its uplifting help. The essence of this Token will radiate from your heart into the world as you use this essence.
Even though you might be struggling to change something and let something go, there is an underlying strength in the knowledge that you are Safe and Loved.
Blessings and Peace,
David Ashworth.