Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: The Keys of the Kingdoms
Location: Given through guidance at home in Prestwich.
Time: Friday 13th January, 2006.
Detail: The Golden Key is a combination of the 5 Essences of Completion, Unification, Connection, Creation and Pythios.
Sentinel means Guardian
The Sentinels are Guardians holding keys to the hidden doorways in consciousness.
The first five Sentinel Essences to be created combine to create The Golden Key.
There will be Five Keys to make the Master Key.
Each Key vibrates to create a certain sound.
Five individual notes will make a chord of sacred silence.
The chord of sacred silence will open the ultimate door into Divine Truth.
All creation emanates from the Logos, meaning word or sound. Often mistranslated as, ‘In the beginning was the word’, Logos is vibration or sacred sound, the vibration that creates all of creation. When Jesus says He is the Light of the world, he means he is the vibration of Light or Sound that creates all reality, such as Aum or Om. Aum is said to be the original sound of creation
The Sound of Sacred Silence
Each of the Sentinels contains a musical note of Sacred Silence. When combined, the five individual notes create a Chord of Sacred Silence. This chord of Sacred Silence is The Golden Key, which opens the ultimate inner doorway of consciousness, allowing the deepest spiritual development that leads to Divine Truth.
The First Key is COMPLETION
Obtained from Wayland’s Smithy in Oxfordshire.
This Key opens the Portal between the Core of the Earth and the centre of the Cosmos. It places you in the centre point of the six directions. When connected through the heart, this essence allows you to touch any or every level of consciousness above and below the Earth Plane, and upon the Earth Plane.
This essence creates a bridge between the Earth and the Cosmos in your heart.
The Second Key is CONNECTION
Obtained from The Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. This Key opens certain Portals within you pertaining to the elements. These are the Inner Aspects of the elements of Earth, Water and Air. Inner means within the aura.
Bridging the disparate aspects of the lower self, (as opposed to the Higher Self).
The Third Key is UNIFICATION
Obtained from The Holy Tree of Unity in Northern Ireland.
This Key opens the Portals into the Inner Kingdoms of Nature and the Divine Feminine, the Earth Mother. This connects you with the power of creation in the physical world. Everything upon the Earth is in a permanent state of creation, birthing into life, cycling through decay and returning again and again. A constant flow of creative force.
It bridges your heart into the Earth Kingdoms.
The Fourth Key is CREATION
Obtained from Old Tynwald Hill on The Isle of Man.
This Key opens the Portal to allow access to the very point of Creation at the birth of Humanity. There is evolution of species and there is evolution of consciousness. The first is the nature of evolution and adaption of living things to each other and their environments. The second is the evolution of consciousness, which began when the Light of the Universe enlivened Adam with the bubbling spring of Light in his heart. This act is a place in time and space known as The Creation Point. It is the moment when Evolution of Consciousness began. The point at which life began to open and develop consciousness other than just creating life.
This essence bridges your heart to the Creation Point in time and space to the present moment.
The Fifth Key is Pythios
Pythios is the name of Apollo at Delphi obtained from the Oracle Stone at Delphi.
Apollo is the Greek personification of the Logos. The God of Harmony; the source of which all manifestation is woven. In the sacred teachings, Delphi is a Portal in its own right, the meeting point of Heaven and Earth where the veil is thin. A place of the linking of the Divine Masculine, Heaven and the Divine Feminine, Earth. The symbol of the meeting of the two polarities of male/female, God/Man, Light/Energy, Yin/Yang, etc.
This essence bridges heaven and earth through your heart.
The Oracle spoke at Delphi for over a thousand years and people came from all corners of the known world to hear her guidance.
The Sixth Key is THE GOLDEN KEY
A combination of the five Sentinels, which creates the Sacred Sound of Silence which unlocks the ultimate door within the heart consciousness.
Once bridges have been built between the hidden realities of consciousness, then you are open to receive inspiration from many sources. As this happens, you realise that reality is nothing like it is portrayed to be by those who have not yet opened themselves within. Your world expands beyond all possibility and there are no limits to what you can achieve within your own growth and development, as you move beyond any previous limitations.
With Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.