Group: Spiritual Evolution
Keynote: Manifesting Impossible Dreams with Vision
Location: The Great Pyramid of Cheops, The Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt.
Weather: Windy and warm with a clear, cloudless sky.
Time: Between 12.33 and 12.37 on Tuesday 8th March 2005.
Detail: This essence was accessed about 20 feet to the right of the entrance to the Pyramid on the third level of stones from the ground.
The Guides Speak:
And the Pharaoh said, ‘Build me a Pyramid’.
And the courtiers said ‘How Lord, it is impossible?’
And the Pharaoh replied, ‘With Guile and Cunning. With vision and Dreams. With placing one block on top of the other until it is builded. Go forth and fear not failure. For with the vision and the dream it will be built.’
And so the Pharaoh pointed to yonder hill and said. ‘That is where we will manifest this vision.’
Vision and Direction: When we are walking the spiritual path, there are times when it can seem like the mountain we are trying to climb is just too big. The struggle is just too much and we are out there on our own, yet amidst others who may not understand our position, and are therefore ill-equipped to help.
In fact, we don’t even have to be walking the spiritual path. Even when we are just walking through life we can be in the same position. Downtrodden, depressed, lacking vision and direction, unappreciated, unloved and bereft of any feelings of self-worth. Faced with tasks, which seem to be impossible to overcome.
Divine Light: At times like these we need the vision and determination of the Pharaoh. When the Pharaoh called his people together, there was not one tiny aspect of doubt in his mind that his vision would not be manifest.
He knew in his heart that his pyramid was going to be built. As he looked into the faces of his people, his power shone his inner light and belief into their lives so that they would become infused with the certainty within their own hearts that they could build the pyramid. It was as if they all become one in their purpose. All driven by the same Divine Light, which was in the Pharaoh’s mind and the Divine Love, which was in his heart. There was no question of failure. They were all lit with the Divine Fire, which shone from within the Pharaoh. The power of this light burned bright within their hearts and their lives and drove them on with a will to investigate and solve, with love, any difficulty which presented itself.
In this way and with this Light are Impossible Dreams manifested into the world of physical reality.
Overcoming Obstacles: The Essence of the Great Pyramid of Cheops harnesses and transmits that same light, which illuminated the Pharaoh’s life and vision. The same light that built the pyramid, which others thought to be an Impossible Dream.
When you use this essence it will help you to overcome what seems to be impossible, but at the same time help you to learn all the lessons you need in order to overcome any obstacles, which may try to prevent you from reaching your goal.
Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and a pyramid is built with patience and skill, one block at a time. But both were built firstly with Vision.
Manifest your vision and then build it with patience and skill.
With Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.